Jenna + Chase Maternity | Wrightsville Beach, NC

Full disclosure, these two gorgeous humans are close friends of my husband, Jess and I so.... yes I am obsessed with every capture from this maternity session near Mason's Inlet (which is adjacent to Wrightsville Beach, NC). They wanted to do sunset on their Pair Marine boat so this is the result of the magic you can create in 24 feet of space. All you need is a little love, a gorgeous bump, maybe a sunset and you're golden.

Jenna and Chase have prayed for this baby for a long time so he is going to be so incredibly loved by everyone who knows his parents. Jess and I are over the moon that we can witness them on this parenthood journey and show them that the best that is yet to come. We pray for a smooth rest of their pregnancy and delivery next month! We love y'all and your baby boy!